Wermelskirchen (D) | Private

In response to the specific wishes expressed by the musician when building a new organ, the creative inspiration can appear in quite original forms. This is often the case for house or chamber organs.


The client’s preference for early music can be perceived throughout the different components of the instrument : a solid massive oak case with a classical design consisting of five flats, finely ornamented, hand-carved pipe shades, a rich, baroque-oriented specification and a pedal with a reduced compass beginning with C and ending with d’.


Stop list

Manual – I


Gedeckt 8'

Prinzipal 4'

Flöte 2'

Zimbel II


Manualcoupler II / I



Manual – II


Gedeckt 8' (Transm.)

Rohrflöte 4'

Prinzipal 2'

Quinte 1 ⅓'

Holzregal 8'




Gedeckt 8'

Quintade 4'

Rankett 16'


Pedalcoupler I / P

Pedalcoupler II / P


Wermelskirchen (D)
Built in
Organ builder
Stephan Schumacher
Stop list
II – P, 12