Itami (J) | Sun City Hall

Under a joint cultural exchange program between the cities of Itami and Hasselt (Belgium), the Japanese city acquired a concert organ which is the significant artistic feature of the Sun City Hall.


The organ with a mainly baroque specification also features an expressive Swell section, making it possible to interpret early romantic music and minor symphonic works.


The architecture of the hall played a decisive role in the choice of the organ layout, resulting in a classical organ with an expressive section to the rear and with free-standing, independent, pedal towers at either sides.


The rear panel of the expressive section has a secondary set of shutters made of crystal glass through which the pipework of the second manual can be seen by visitors from a gallery surrounding the hall.


Four hand cut panels decorate the front side, each representing a famous monument of a city in Flanders.


Stop list



Prinzipal 8'

Salicional 8'

Gedackt 8'

Oktave 4'

Flöte 4'

Superoktave 2'

Mixtur III

Zimbel II

Kornett II

Trompete 8'

Clairon 4'




Harmonieflöte 8'

Viola di Gamba 8'

Vox coelestis 8' c°

Rohrflöte 8'

Prinzipal 4'

Salicet 4'

Nasat 2 '

Oktave 2'

Terz 1 '

Quintflöte 1 '

Sifflöte 1'

Oboe 8'

Vox Humana 8'






Subbass 16'

Oktavbass 8'

Flöte 8'

Posaune 16'

Trompete 8'


Schwellwerk / Hauptwerk

Hauptwerk / Pedal

Schwellwerk / Pedal


Hanoi, St Joseph's cathedral
Built in
1995/ 2022
Organ builder
Guido Schumacher
Stop list
II – P, 27